Room / Office:
KB 204 - M4235
Phone Number:
+90 212 359 4470 - +90 212 359 6849
Fax Number:
+90 212 287 2456
- Ph.D. 1978. UC - Berkeley, USA
- M.S. 1975. UC - Berkeley, USA
- B.S. 1973. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
- Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1979-
- Advisor of Director, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 1993-1995
- Member, TUBITAK, Research Group- Materials and Manufacturing, Istanbul, Turkey, 1993-
- Visiting Professor, Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France, 1991-1992
- Research Associate, Metal Research Laboratory, Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1978-1979
- Research Assistant, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Materials and Molecular Research Division, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1975-1978
- Teaching Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1974-1975
- Research Helper (extrusion and drawing ofmetals and alloys, mechanical and electrical measurements, metallography), Institute for Deformation Science, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1972-1973
Courses Taught:
- ME 210 Materials Science
- ME 212 Materials Science
- ME 303 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 316 Physical Metallurgy
- ME 318 Manufacturing Techniques
- ME 411 Materials Engineering
- ME 415 Mechanical Metallurgy
- ME 420 Nonmetallic Materials
- ME 483 Sp.Top. in Mechanical Engineering: Product Design and Development
- ME 511 Principles of Materials Science and Engineering
- ME 512 Principles of Manufacturing Processes
- ME 613 Deformation of Engineering Materials
- ME 614 Materials Processing
- ME 618 Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- IE 320 Materials and Processes in Manufacturing
- BM 541 Biological Materials
- BM 587 Special Studies (Design of Biomechanical Devices)
- BM 542 Prosthetics & Artificial Organs
- ETM 551 Integrated Product Development
- ETM 582 Case Studies in ETM
- ETM 593 Sp. Top. in ETM: Materials & Process Selection in Engineering
Research Interests:
- Near Net Shape Manufacturing (Squeeze Casting, Thixoforming)
- Formability of Sheet Metals
- Microwave Sintering of Ceramics
- Processing and Properties of Metal Matrix Composites and Metallic Foams
- Processing and Properties of Polymer Matrix Composites
- Shape Memory Alloys
- Materials for Biomedical Applications (Hydroxyapatite, Ti)
- Modification of Surface Properties Through Coating
Awards & Honors:
- John E.Dorn Award, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1979
- ASM Golden Gate Chapter Scholastic Achievement Award, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1975
- Hermann C.Stark Fellowship, Technical University, Berlin, Germany
- University of California, Berkeley, California, 1973-1974
- Scholarship from Institute for Mining Research and Exploration, Ankara, Turkey
- Technical University, Berlin, Germany
- Sengor M, Ozgun A, Gunduz O, Altintas S., "Aqueous electrospun core/shell nanofibers of PVA/microbial transglutaminase cross-linked gelatin composite scaffolds", Materials Letters, 15;263:127233, 2020
- Sengor M, Ozgun A, Corapcioglu G, Ipekoglu M, Garipcan B, Ersoy N, Altintas S. "Core–shell PVA/gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds using co‐solvent, aqueous electrospinning: Toward a green approach", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135(32):46582, 2018
- Ipekoglu, M; Nekouyan, A; Albayrak, O; Altintas, S., "Mechanical characterization of B4C reinforced aluminum matrix composites produced by squeeze casting", Journal of Materials Research, 32(3), 599-605, 2017
- Albayrak, O; Ipekoglu, M; Mahmutyazicioglu, N; Varmis, M; Kaya, E; Altintas, S., "Preparation and characterization of porous hydroxyapatite pellets: Effects of calcination and sintering on the porous structure and mechanical properties", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 230(6), 985–993, 2016
- Mahmutyazicioglu, N; Albayrak, O; Ipekoglu, M; Altintas, S., "Effects of alumina (Al2O3) addition on the cell structure and mechanical properties of 6061 foams", Journal OF Materials research, 28(17), 2509-2519 , 2013
- Ipekoglu, M., Altintas, S., “Silver Substituted Nanosized Calcium Deficient Hydroxyapatite”, Materials Technology, 25 (5), 295-301, 2010.
- Albayrak, O., Altintas, S., “Production of ‘Tricalcium Phosphate/Titanium Dioxide’ Coating Surface on Titanium Substrates”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 6(11), 1006-1010, 2010.
- T. Y. Sunay, M. Sahin, S. Altintas, “The Effects of Casting and Forging Processes on Joint Properties in Friction-Welded AISI 1050 and AISI 304 Steels”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 44 (1-2), 68-79, 2009.
- G. Pirge, A. Hacioglu, M. Ermis, S. Altintas, “Determination of the Compositions of Nimnga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys Using Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms”, Computational Materials Science, 45 (1), 189-193, 2009.
- O. Albayrak, O. El-Atwani, S. Altintas, “Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Substrate by Electrophoretic Deposition Method: Effects of Titanium Dioxide Inner Layer on Adhesion Strength and Hydroxyapatite Decomposition”, Surface & Coatings Technology, 202 (11), 2482-2487, 2008.
- O. Albayrak, C. Oncel, M. Tefek, S. Altintas, “Effects of Calcination on Electrophoretic Deposition of Naturally Derived and Chemically Synthesized Hydroxyapatite“, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 15 (1), 10-15, 2007.
- A.Esin, N. Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, S. Altıntaş, “Drying and Sintering of Ceramic Based Parts Using Microwave Heating”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-269, 731-734, 2004.
- Ş. Gören, H. Gökbayrak , S. Altıntaş, “Production of Hydroxylapatite From Animal Bone”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-269, 1949-1952, 2004.
- D. Nural, S. Altıntaş, “Investigations on Depth of Regions of Cut Surfaces Generated with Abrasive Waterjets”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-269, 969-952, 2004.
- A. S. Onay, S. Altıntaş, “ Effects of Sintering Parameters on Initial Magnetic Permeability of Ni-Zn Ferrite”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-269, 1277-1280, 2004.
- G. Pirge, C.V. Hyatt, S. Altıntaş, “Characterization of NiMnGa magnetic shape memory alloys”, J. Materials Processing Technology, 155-156, 1266-1272, 2004.